luxury condos in Singapore

Chinese are the richest buyers of luxury condos in Singapore among foreigners

China is leaving behind foreign buyers by pouncing on the biggest shares of luxury condos in Singapore market.

In the first few months of 2022, Chinese buyers made a gigantic investment in private non-landed units and also took the top spot for luxury condominiums for $5 million or more.

From January to August 2022, the Chinese and Indian buyers made bulk purchases of the units priced between $800,000 and $3 million. 

To know more, read FULL DETAILS here.

I am Tyson Yuk, the founder of the blog Commercial Realty Singapore. With over 15 years of experience, my forte is in the commercial and luxury property line. With my blog, I aim to educate, advise and share tips and tricks with potential property buyers and investors to help them make successful property ventures.

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