

作为一名成功的房地产专业人士,我很荣幸通过我与我的朋友兼合作伙伴 Richard Tan 合着的书《投资商业地产的不为人知的真相》来分享我的经验和知识。

这本书提供了关于商业地产投资的宝贵见解和专业知识,特别关注新加坡的小店屋市场。 凭借我们 30 多年积累的经验和数十亿美元的交易,我们的目标是让读者透过这本书能够更有信心地建立他们的商业遗产。

《投资商业地产的不为人知的真相》已经通过其新闻稿和 2023 年 5 月 5 日的独家发布会吸引了媒体和行业推动者的关注。

Gafoor 先生强烈推荐这本书,承认它能够通过提供对商业房地产市场的全面了解来释放隐藏的机会并帮助投资者避免代价高昂的错误。

Richard和我对这本书的愿景超越了利润; 我们透过这本书能够福利读者,让他们对房地产投资有更深的了解。 我们承诺,将售出的前 1,000 本书的收益全部捐赠给 Chen Su Lan 慈善机构。此外,亦感谢Gafoor 先生、Kelvin Fong 和 Alan Lim 承诺以一元对一元的方式匹配捐款

我衷心感谢有这个机会分享我的知识和经验。 今天,我邀请您购买《商业地产投资的不为人知的真相》,加入Richard和我的旅程,为每个人打造更美好的未来


我是 Tyson Yuk,博客 Commercial Realty Singapore 的创始人,Propnex Realty 的副集团董事,以及 PropNex 2016 年 Luxury Team 的联合创始人。我的专长是商业地产,我热爱挖掘新加坡被低估的店屋并将其变成有价值的产业。 同时,由于我拥有强大的海外投资者网络,豪华房地产也是我其一的利基市场。


我不只为我的客户购买房产。 我与许多律师、建筑师、银行家、公司秘书和建筑商团队密切合作管理他们的资产找到合适的租户,并将他们的空地转化为有利可图的投资。 这种资产可以是世代相传的生计和遗产。

我的声誉为我赢得了 52 个奖项,其中包括:

  • 2018年销售业绩TOP 10
  • TOP 项目销售
  • TOP 2018 年末个人销售
  • TOP 5 情侣奖
  • 超级铂金成就者
  • 2019年第一季度铂金成就者
Business Times property podcast

15 年房产业绩记录

目前,我代表我的高净值和离岸投资者管理超过 1.5 亿美元的房地产投资组合。
多年来,我们的商业团队已实现超过 10 亿新元的交易销售额。
在充满挑战的市场期间,我曾担任The Peak at Cairnhill 的首席项目 IC。 我的团队售出了 85% 的单位,并向项目团队支付了超过 330 万美元的佣金。



在学术上,我获得了麻省理工学院建筑与规划学院的房地产数据科学认证全球金融与管理学院的战略财富管理文凭 – 特许财富经理 (CWM)。
我的妻子是一个充满激情的房地产经纪人领导,我们不遗余力地为我们的客户找到最好的交易。 我在房地产市场的奉献精神、沟通和敏锐度帮助我在客户中建立了良好的信誉,因为我不仅为他们购买房产,而且是一种可以世代相传的生计和遗产。
Tyson Yuk
property investment in Singapore


我的工作范围并不仅限于购买房产。 事实上,一些曾经只是作为客户,现在已经是我朋友圈子的其中一份子了。 我的大部分客户都是因为我的售后服务而留住的。 我真诚地希望帮助每一位客户,以同样的关注,购买他们可以自豪地称之为自己的完美房地产。


Eric ChiaOn behalf of the Collective Sales Commitee (CSC) of Eunos Green
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Tyson and the WGR team have a good strong successful track record in handling many enbloc projects. An experienced proficient enbloc marketing consultant is absolutely key as they can anticipate any possible pitfalls ahead to ensure the enbloc process is smooth, well-executed, and leading to a successful outcome
Tyson has worked with great speed and effectiveness, especially in guiding our Collective Sale Committee in Eunos Green, every single step of the way on our enbloc process. Therefore, our enbloc is fast tracked, compared to many existing projects on the market. Most importantly, our CSC and Tyson’s Team have amazing synergy, working together honestly, with good faith, in the best interest of all subsidiary proprietors. It has enabled us to move forward diligently to obtain the most optimal outcome.
Ong Kai HoeTG Development - Developer of “Peak @ Cairnhill II”
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Tyson Yuk is the Project IC for PropNex international. His team has driven 85% of the total units sold with more $3.3 million worth of commission paid out to his team.
He is a no nonsense and straight forward person who is also truthful and delivers without over promising. He takes initiative to propose suggestions and creative promotion to push for project success and spares no effort to fight for the benefits for his core team. He is a dedicated leader who is constantly pushing and assisting his team to drive results. I wish him success and hope to work together on another project in the near future.
Mr and Mrs Nelson LeeOffShore High Networth Investors
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Since 2011, we have invested in more than $10 million worth of high-end residential property portfolio and $30 million worth of commercial property from Tyson and Angeline.They have done an excellent job managing our properties, from finding tenants to property maintenance. We are glad to find out that our commercial property has appreciated more than 100% in capital appreciation.
Benjamin Regional Channel and Segment Manager of IBM Greater China
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Tyson is a responsible agent who has been consistently providing the highest level of professionalism. He has been managing my portfolio while I have not been in Singapore for the past 5 years with the highest honesty and integrity. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking to find a top agent in Singapore.


Sara Gopinathan Marketing Manager
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The leader of the luxury realty team is always there to guide us. Especially Tyson, he is passionate and knowledgeable about this industry.
Sophia ChooSenior Team Leader
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I want to learn from successful people like him. He is willing to share with you and teach you to become a more successful person.
James YeoDeputy Marketing Director
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I can learn from an apprenticeship in a luxury real estate agency to the best and top one. In my opinion, this is a plan worth more than 10,000 dollar, and my ultimate goal is to earn 1 million dollar.
Lester SohDeputy Director
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He is very willing to share his knowledge on how to develop and serve his customers. He is actually one of the super platinum achievers in the past few months, and I think it is actually very beneficial to be able to learn from him.




  • 在核心中部地区推出新产品的领导经验。
  • 在集体销售(Enbloc)方面,我被Eunos Green的集体销售委员会一致任命为唯一的集体销售营销代理。
  • 为中资银行,包括大华银行中国和汇丰中国等机构的新加坡房地产市场主题演讲嘉宾。



我在成功的道路上经历了许多挣扎与波折。 我几乎两次破产,近乎与妻子离婚。 然而我们并肩一切突破一层又一层的难过走到今天。


在房地产行业之前,我曾在American Fitness Chain(Planet Fitness)工作,连锁店的区域健身经理,负责监督6个大型俱乐部并进行管理超过100名培训师。这个角色拓宽了我在商业领域的视野,提高我的工作个性和效率,以不断交付KPI。我的性格吸引了许多客户,并吸引我参加个性化培训会议。 我的客户资料包括MNC高层管理人员,商人和超高净值个人。 我受到他客户业务的影响,投资的观点,很快引起了房地产投资的极大兴趣。




我加入了专注于豪华房地产市场的房地产,从那以后我再也没有回头! 我的业务方法基于建立在承诺和信任基础上的持久关系。 客户欣赏我扎扎实实的作风,这给了他们高度的信心和信任。

2012 - 2016

早在2012-2016年,我曾是中国面向房地产互联网门户网站的前联合创始人,该门户网站旨在将国际优质商品信息与来自中国的合格买家eJiaJia.co(易佳家)链接起来,按中文定义将其翻译为“ Internet Best Home @ Ease” ”。 在创业期间,我花了4年的时间在新加坡和中国各地旅行,以深入了解中国市场与国际市场之间的文化差异。


Propnex Realty Singapore 的集团总监。 Propnex Luxury Team 的联合创始人。 Propnex中国精英团队联合创始人。
Propnex Luxury Team 的励志演讲者和首席项目负责人。