Singapore Luxury Real Estate: Top Destination for Property Investment
Despite cooling measures implemented by the Singapore market demand for its luxury properties remains strong.
Despite cooling measures implemented by the Singapore market demand for its luxury properties remains strong.
Singapore’s ultra high net worth will increase. Asia is also expected to surpass Europe as the second-largest wealth hub by 2026.
Budget 2022 announces a higher tax bracket in 2024 vs 2022. How much will this cost homebuyers and property owners? Where do the opportunities lie to cope with the increasing tax?
Singapore shophouse transaction in 2021 has been fueling since the start of the year. In less than 5 months, the market captured two thirds of the transactions that occurred in 2020 as a whole. What is the secret behind such hot demand for Singapore shophouses?
A unit at 61st level at THE SAIL in Marina Bay is up for sale! That too at $1 million less than the purchase price. Why is the owner selling at a loss? What do you stand to gain? Let’s find out!